Morning session: 9:30am – 12pm
Afternoon session: 1:00pm – 3:30pm
$25 per session; $50 whole day
Book via link below
8 participants only each session
COVID Safe plan in place: full refund if govt COVID requirements result in cancellation.
Create exciting digital sounds and images
Explore some exciting ways to work with audio and visuals in the digital domain. Join Nicky System for one or both workshop sessions.
No programming experience needed, but you’ll need computer basics and a laptop. Students for the afternoon session will need to download a program to work with. Details will be sent prior to the session.
Over these two sessions, participants can explore some exciting ways to work with audio and visuals in the digital domain. In the morning session we will explore P5.js, a web based creative coding Javascript library. The afternoon session is devoted to audio and sound, exploring the Pure Data programming environment.
Morning session: P5.js for Visual Code Art
P5.js is a creative coding library for Javascript. It is used for countless digital media art projects and is a great introduction to programming for non-programmers.
In this workshop, we will learn how to work with geometry, colour and interactivity. Participants will understand and use core programming concepts to make visual art in the web browser.
- How to make primitive shapes
- How to use three colour systems
- How to make a piece interactive
- Core programming concepts
- Variables
- Programming structures
- Syntax
- Randomization
Afternoon session: Pure Data for Sound Art
Pure Data is a programming environment for audio. It is commonly used for installations, video game audio, algorithmic music, electronic instrument design and more.
In this workshop will learn to navigate Pure Data and explore the various ways to manage sound and data for music and sound art.
- Playing samples
- Building a synthesizer
- Building a sequencer
- Playing audio files
- Probability and Randomization
Nicky System is a digital media artist and educator from Newstead. They primarily work with generative music, software, physical computing and audio-visual pieces.