Friday 26 July 2024, 6.30pm – 8.30pm

$18, or $15 Hub Members

Free CD included with your ticket!
Come to our Shut Up and Write session (1-5pm) and then join others for a catch up before the talk.

Book now!

Join us for an evening of poetry and music with Lauren Williams.

The Hub Writers Group invites you to our Winter Writers Talk!  Join us for an evening of poetry and music with Lauren Williams.

A free copy of Lauren’s recent CD, is included in admission price!

A veteran of Melbourne’s live poetry scene, Lauren discovered it by chance in 1982, and was active in it for the next 25 years, before relocating to central Victoria in 2007.

She has performed Australia-wide and internationally at poetry festivals and events large and small; reviewed for Australian Book Review; worked in the legendary bookshop Collected Works, taught poetry, briefly and controversially, at RMIT; was an associate editor with Going Down Swinging; Poet-in-Residence for Radio National; and convened La Mama Poetica for several years. Prior to and throughout her poetic career, Lauren sang in many bands, and was Australia’s first gigging female rapper, back in 1989-90!

Prizes include the 1992 Launceston Poetry Cup (Australia’s oldest slam format prize), the 2000 Melbourne Writers Festival Poetry Slam, and the Melbourne Poets Union International Prize in 2003. Lauren’s work has appeared in many journals, magazines, and anthologies, with collections published by Penguin Books, Five Islands Press, Picaro Press, and Soup Publications. Her most recent book is Cleanskin Poems (2016, Island Press Co-operative).

In the mid-2000s, her focus shifted to songwriting. She performs and records under her full name – Lauren Lee Williams. Her 2nd album, She Blew Into Town, was released in 2022 and is available on Bandcamp. Books, CDs & download cards will be for sale at the gig.

It’s going to be a fun night! There will be drinks and snacks available to purchase.

All Welcome!

Love writing? Come along to the Hub on the 4th Friday of the month for our ‘shut up and write’ sessions: an afternoon writing session from 1-5pm, and then an evening session from 6.30-8.30pm – some evening sessions will be a talk by an invited writer. For more info follow the link

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