Fri 27 Sept 2024, 6.30pm – 8pm

$18, or $15 Hub Members

Come to our Shut Up and Write session (1-5pm) and then join others for a catch up before the Lab.

Book now!

If you are a writer and are concerned about the state of our world do come and join us to for this enlightening evening writers lab.

Newstead Writers invite you to join a special September evening event. Fri Sept 27, at 6pm (for 6.30) until 8 pm.

You are invited to come to the Thrutopian Writers Lab: Writing for the next 7 Generations 

We know that inspiring stories shape our life.  Throughout human history, our power to imagine a better world has pushed – or pulled – us away from the comfort of the known.  But our stories of power, accumulation and self-aggrandisement have brought us to the edge of extinction and we urgently need new heroes, new ways of doing things, new peaks to aim for.” Manda Scott

If you are a writer and are concerned about the state of our world do come and join us to for this enlightening evening writers lab.  You must book to reserve your seat.

You Must Book Early to reserve your place.  

We are very excited to have Laurel Freeland facilitate an interactive ‘Thrutopian Writers Lab.’

Thrutopia is a new writing genre for the future. It cuts through the old context of storytelling that featured polarities: good and bad, us and them, right and wrong, hero and villain, to seed a viable future for all life.

Bring your writing gear and your imagination to join in an experiential Thrutopian Writers Lab to seed new stories for the Future.

Laurel is a social ecologist, coach and facilitator who addresses climate and sustainability. She works with organisations and teams to create ways of thinking and working to change systems and the way we live in the world.

Cost $15 members $18 full price.All Welcome!

References for further reading:

Refs: Manda Scott, Author of Any Given Power and the Boadicea Series

Prof: Rupert Read Huffington Post  ‘THRUTOPIA: Why Neither Dystopias Nor Utopias Are Enough To Get Us Through The Climate Crisis, And How A ‘Thrutopia’ Could Be’

Image credit: A girl holds an umbrella over an ice sculpture, made from water taken from the Yellow, Yangtze and Ganges rivers, at an exhibition by Greenpeace. Jason Lee

Love writing? Come along to the Hub on the 4th Friday of the month for our ‘shut up and write’ sessions: an afternoon writing session from 1-5pm, and then an evening session from 6.30-8.30pm – some evening sessions will be a talk by an invited writer. For more info follow the link

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