Exhibition launch: Sat 25 Feb, 10.30am. All welcome.
& Mon 13 March, 10am-4pm.
Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests

Guest speaker: Alison Pouliot is an environmental photographer and natural historian. She has held environmental photography workshops and fungal ecology forays in Australia and internationally for two decades.
Alison launched FOBIF’s ‘Now Look Here“ Mamunya photo exhibition at the Castlemaine Market Building on October 2, 2010. Her image archives and photo essays can be viewed at https://alisonpouliot.com/
Special places on show
Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests (Mt Alexander Region) was formed in 1998 by people in the local community interested in highlighting the significance of the Box-Ironbark Forests and Woodlands.
Over 80% of Box-Ironbark forests were gone. But many of the remaining fragments of the once vast sweep of these forests, though crippled, had been slowly recovering, partly because they had been left to their own devices. However pest plant and animal invasions were growing, demands for firewood and other resources continued, the human population was expanding, and many woodland species were seriously threatened. It was time to martial some real help.
This 2023 exhibition marks 25 years of FOBIF’s work in campaigning on these issues and drawing people’s attention to value and beauty of our bushlands.
To create this exhibition, FOBIF has asked their members and supporters to contribute a photo which illustrates something about the natural environment that they find special, accompanied by a short description. The exhibition will also include displays of historical material, exhibits drawing attention to geological features in the region and children’s art.
FOBIF’s 4 local nature guides, local walks book and a full catalogue of the exhibition will be on sale.
The organisation
Friends of the Box-Ironbark (Mount Alexander Region) Inc was formed in 1998. The organisation has over 150 members and holds monthly committee meetings and an annual general meeting.
Over the past 25 years it has run monthly bushwalks, produced nature guides and hosted nature-based photo exhibitions.
The organisation campaigns for the conservation of natural vegetation on private and public land and works to promote respect for Indigenous culture and land management practices.
For more about FOBIF, go to their website, Instagram or Facebook page.