
Sat 2 – Sun 24 March, 10am-4pm

Free. All welcome.

Artist: Barry Lacey

Barrys’ Bonsai from the Hidden Garden

A bonsai is an art form; there are no rules. The tree is the canvas and you are the painter.’ Barry Lacey.

In this exhibition, local legend Barry Lacey has curated a selection of  favourite Bonsai from his collection of over 150. Some are over 40 years old, some are quite young. The master of bonsai can make a young plant appear much older than it is. See if you can tell the difference!

Barry hopes this will exhibition will encourage people to learn to make bonsai and says with the right help anyone can learn, the art is to make your bonsai look old. A little known fact is the art of growing these miniature trees originates in China, where it is called “Penjing”.

We are honoured to have Barry share his gift of Bonsai with us.  Not to be missed!


Barry Lacey is a much loved member of the community. His artform is Bonsai! A master of his craft, Barry says, To truly understand a Bonsai, you must understand the tree.

Barry and his wife Jen created their Hidden Garden from a blank canvas of lawn in 2001 to the oasis it is today. It is there that he created over 150 bonsai which he has masterfully shaped and tended to over decades.